The Education University of Hong Kong
CKC TechCulture Innovation Centre

CKC OCR (iOS version)

The software of the CKC Input System provided by this centre cannot be reproduced for any kind of commercial use.

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This tool designed by EdUHK - CKC Centre for the Development of Information Technology in Chinese Language Teaching. Facilitate to search the CKC Code and learn of Chinese characters. For Example, if you search "為", all combinations for the CKC code (including code for variant Chinese character and instant code) will show: 000, 3, 34 and 3400.

CKC Chinese Input method is a type of appearance-based coding system. It encodes a Chinese character according to the stroke features of its 4 corners. The sequence is upper left corner, upper right corner, lower left corner and lower right corner (following the shape of the alphabet “Z”) respectively.

The strokes and the features of the Chinese character components are classified into 10 groups, represented by 0 through 9.

0 A left-falling stroke or a stroke with left-turning (丿亅).
1 A horizontal stroke or a horizontal rising stroke written from left to right (丨).
2 A vertical stroke or a left slanting stroke (一).
3 A dot or a right-falling stroke (丶 乀).
4 A cross or the radical of “Grass” (十乂卄).
5 The combination of a falling stroke runs through 2 horizontal strokes (≠ キ).
6 A square (口).
7 A corner, 2 upper corners, 2 lower corners or a stroke with right-turning (乚).
8 The shape of the numeral “Eight”(八) in Chinese or its variants (人丷).
9 The shape of the Chinese character which means “Small” (小), its variants and the radical of “Upright Heart”(忄).




Version 2.6.0

- Improved stability and bug fixes

Introduction movie:


【凸?彠?】遇到複雜嘅中文字唔識查點算好? 🤯😭😭 「縱橫識字」應用程式幫緊你、幫緊你!呢個app由中國語言學系兼任副教授謝家浩博士研發,運用光學字符識別技術嚟辨認中文字。用戶只需要影張相,程式就會顯示字義、筆順、讀音以及簡單嘅英文解釋~ 以後遇到唔明又難查嘅中文字都唔使驚喇! 快啲download 啦: 🏅 2019年加拿大國際發明及創新比賽銀獎 #eduhk #教大 #知識轉移 #縱橫識字 #光學字符識別技術 #中文語料庫 #學中文

The Education University of Hong Kong 發佈於 2021年8月26日星期四

Sample pictures:
