

第34頁 / 共49頁


梵語 atha bhagavān pādāṅguṣṭhena imaṃ trisāhasramahāsāhasraṃ lokadhātuṃ parāhanti sma | atha khalu tasmin samaye ’yaṃ trisāhasramahāsāhasro lokadhātur anekaratnaśatasahasra- saṃcito ’nekaratnaśatasahasrapratyarpitaḥ saṃsthito ’bhūt [1-34-1] | tadyathāpi nāma ratnavyūhasya tathāgatasyānantaguṇaratnavyūho lokadhātus tādṛśo ’yaṃ lokadhātuḥ saṃdṛśyate sma | tatra sā sarvāvatī parṣad āścaryaprāptā ratnapadmaniṣaṇṇam ātmānaṃ saṃjānīte sma [1-34-2] |
支謙譯 於是佛即以足指案地,此三千大千世界皆為震動。若幹百千珍寶積嚴,處處校飾。譬如眾寶羅列,淨好如來境界。無量嚴淨於是悉現。一切魔眾歎未曾有,而皆自見坐寶蓮華。
鳩摩羅什譯 於是佛以足指按地,即時三千大千世界若幹百千珍寶嚴飾,譬如寶莊嚴佛無量功德寶莊嚴土。一切大眾歎未曾有,而皆自見坐寶蓮華。
玄奘譯 爾時世尊知諸大眾心懷猶豫,便以足指按此大地。即時三千大千世界無量百千妙寶莊嚴,譬如功德寶莊嚴佛無量功德寶莊嚴土。一切大眾歎未曾有,而皆自見坐寶蓮華。
英譯 Then the Blessed One touched, with his toe, the trichiliomegachilocosm, and, as soon as he had touched it, that universe bacame like a heap of many jewels, a collection of several hundreds of thousands of jewels, a pile of several hundreds of thousands of jewels. And the Sahā universe appeared like the Anantaguṇaratnavyūhā universe belonging to the Tathāgata Ratnavyūha. The whole assembly was astonished when it found itself sitting on a splendid seat of precious lotuses.
現代漢譯 於是,世尊以腳趾碰觸這個三千大千世界。就在這時,此三千大千世界便整個處在積聚且交錯裝飾了無數百千珍寶的狀態中。就像寶莊嚴如來那無量功德寶所裝飾的世界一般,這個世界〔也〕被看到像那樣。此時,這一切大眾都感到驚奇,〔同時〕意識到自己坐在寶蓮華上。

第34頁 / 共49頁