

第161頁 / 共279頁


梵語 atha buddhānubhāvenāyuṣmataḥ śāriputrasyaitad abhavat yadi yādṛśī cittapariśuddhis tādṛśī bodhisatvasya buddhakṣetrapariśuddhiḥ saṃbhavati, tan mā āhaiva bhagavataḥ śākyamuner bodhisatvacaryāṃ carataś cittam apariśuddhaṃ yenedaṃ buddhakṣetram evam apariśuddhaṃ saṃdṛśyate [1-32-1] | atha khalu bhagavān āyuṣmataḥ śāriputrasya cetasaiva cetaḥparivitarkam ājñāyāyuṣmantaṃ śāriputram etad avocat tat kiṃ manyase, śāriputra mā āhaiva sūryācandramasāv apariśuddhau yaj jātyandho na paśyati | āha no hīdam bhagavan jātyandhāparādha eṣa na sūryacandramasoḥ [1-32-2] | āha evam eva śāriputra satvānām ajñānāparādha eṣa yas tathāgatasya buddhakṣetraguṇālaṃkāravyūhaṃ kecit satvā na paśyanti, na tatra tathāgatasyāparādhaḥ | pariśuddhaṃ hi śāriputra tathāgatasya buddhakṣetraṃ yūyaṃ punar idaṃ na paśyatha [1-32-3] |
支謙譯 賢者舍利弗承佛威神心念是語:“以意淨故得佛國淨。我世尊本為菩薩時,意豈不淨?而是佛國不淨若此。”佛知其意即報言:“雲何?舍利弗!我日月淨,不見色者,豈日月過耶?”對曰:“不也,非日月過 。”佛言:“此舍利弗,咎在眾人,無有智慧,不見如來佛國嚴淨。非如來咎。此舍利弗,我佛國淨,汝又未見。”
鳩摩羅什譯 爾時舍利弗承佛威神作是念:“若菩薩心淨則佛土淨者,我世尊本為菩薩時,意豈不淨?而是佛土不淨若此。”佛知其念,即告之言:“於意雲何?日月豈不淨耶?而盲者不見。” 對曰:“不也。世尊!是盲者過,非日月咎。”“舍利弗!眾生罪故,不見如來佛土嚴淨。非如來咎。舍利弗!我此土淨而汝不見。”
玄奘譯 爾時舍利子承佛威神作如是念:“若諸菩薩心嚴淨,故佛土嚴淨。而我世尊行菩薩時,心不嚴淨,故是佛土雜穢若此。”佛知其念,即告之言:“於意雲何?世間日月豈不淨耶?而盲不見。”對曰:“不也。是盲者過,非日月咎。”佛言:“如是眾生罪故,不見世尊佛土嚴淨。非如來咎。舍利子!我土嚴淨而汝不見。”
英譯 If the mind of a Bodhisattva must be pure in order for his Buddhakṣetra to be purified, then, when the Blessed Lord Śakyamuni exercised the practices as a Bodhisattva, his mind must have been impure, since today his Buddhakṣetra appears to be so impure. The Blessed One, knowing the Venherable Śāriputra’s thought in his mind, said to him: What do you think of this, Śāriputra? Is it beacuse the sun and the moon are impure that those who are born blind cannot see them? Śāriputra replied: Not so, Blessed One; it is the fault of those born blind, is is not the fault of the sun and the moon. The Buddha continued: Similarly Śāriputra, if beings cannot see the virtues of the Buddhakṣetra of the Tathāgata, the fault is in their ignorance; the fault is not the Tathāgata’s. Śāriputra, my Buddhakṣetra is pure, but you cannot yourself see it.
現代漢譯 那時,憑藉佛的威神力,具壽舍利弗心裏這麼想:“如果隨菩薩的心是怎樣的清淨,就有像那樣清淨的佛國土出現,那麼就會有人對我說: ‘當世尊釋迦牟尼修菩薩行時,〔其〕心不清淨,因此這個〔釋迦牟尼〕佛的國土被看到如此不清淨。’ ” 那時,世尊以心了知具壽舍利弗心中的想法後,就對具壽舍利弗說了這番話:“舍利弗!你對這個是怎麼想的?有人對我說: ‘由於日月不清淨,生盲者看不見〔清淨的日月〕。’ ”舍利弗回答道:“世尊!不是這樣。這是生盲者的過錯,不是日月的過錯。” 世尊說道:“舍利弗!同樣地,某些眾生看不到如來佛土其功德裝嚴之壯觀,這是眾生無知之錯,在此狀況下,並不是如來的過錯。舍利弗!佛土實是清淨的,然而你們沒有看到這點。”

第161頁 / 共279頁